We are excited to begin an Early Risers club for grade 5 students. It will run school days (Monday-Friday) from 8:00 - 8:25 in the gym. It is an opportunity for students to come in early, and participate in some physical activity before the academic day begins. Our YES program Success Coach, Mr. J, will be supervising the activities, and generally sets up a few games for kids to participate in. Brain research is clear -- a moving body helps a thinking brain -- so this is a great way to start the day.
A few logistics to be aware of:
-students would enter through the front doors at 8:00 and head straight to the gym
-students would stay in the gym, where there is supervision, until the first bell at 8:25
-if siblings need to arrive at the same time due to transportation logistics, they may be able to join in the activities, or alternately sit on the bleachers to read or watch
-students are able to join after 8:00, so could arrive on the bus and then come to the front doors to access the gym
-the "no tech" rule applies to Early Risers, so no phone use, etc.