Science Fair 2025
Posted on Feb. 6, 2025The scientific process was alive and well at the annual RVS Science Fair held on Wed., Feb. 5. Students from grades 1-8 were invited to submit a project and everyone did a fantastic job of showcasing…
The scientific process was alive and well at the annual RVS Science Fair held on Wed., Feb. 5. Students from grades 1-8 were invited to submit a project and everyone did a fantastic job of showcasing…
We are excited to announce that Kindergarten registration for Fall 2025 is now open for any children who turn 5 by Dec. 31, 2025. For further details and to register, please click here.
It was a busy month at River Valley, filled with lots of festive activities. From decorating for Christmas and our annual carol sing to creating beautiful art and writing projects along with candy houses,…
We are excited to invite our families in for our annual carol sing and hot chocolate events during the last week of school before the holidays. This letter gives you all of the details and if you have…
As we move into the holiday season, our school has a number of holiday events and activities planned. This letter offers some details and more will be coming in the weeks ahead. We want to support our…
River Valley Spirit Wear is now available to order online through Digger Sports using the following link: https://rivervalley2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Deadline for orders is Sunday, November 17th.…
Students showed off their spooktacular skills and creativity with all of our Halloween activities and events this year! Happy Halloween everyone!
Teachers are looking forward to meeting with students' parents during parent teacher interviews coming up on November 4, 5 and 6. This letter outlines the steps families can take to use our online booking…
4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a unique 3-hour online course that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canadians through transformative learning about truth and reconciliation.…
We are very excited to offer the Screenagers documentary series to our community over the next couple of months! The first film will be shown at the Sundre Public Library on Thurs., Oct. 7 at 6:15. A…
Students' work from the previous school year was on display in our gym for our annual School Fair. The quality of the work was outstanding and our staff had a difficult time judging all of the entries…
Staff were busy last week engaging in meetings, planning and preparing classrooms for the upcoming school year. Everyone is excited to greet students at 8:25 on Tuesday, September 3rd as we kick off a…
We hope all of our students and their families have a fantastic summer! If you are new to our community and looking to register your child(ren), please complete the online registration form at https://www.cesd73.ca/parents/register-for-school. …
All students K-8 are invited to enter a home project to the RVS Science Fair held on Monday, February 12th. Student/parent information packages and permission forms are now available at the office…
On January 8, 2024 Kindergarten Registration is open for the 2024/2025 School Year! Children who turn 5 by December 31, 2024 are eligible for the 2024/2025 Kindergarten school year. Please use this…
We are pleased to continue the tradition of having the book fair come to our school. It is a great opportunity to get reading material into the hands of our students and many families find it's a way…
Our Kindergarten students have been working on their letter recognition along with fine motor skills using a variety of strategies.
It was a chilly day but that didn´t dampen the friendly competitiveness for the grade 7-12 cross-country divisional meet, hosted by RVS. Congratulations to all of the runners who traversed Sundre´s…
Students went all out for Wacky Hair Day! There were definitely some original styles.
It was great to welcome staff back last week. Meetings, planning, and a little bit of fun were the focus as everyone eagerly anticipates welcoming students on Tues., Sept. 5.
The 2022-2023 school year was certainly an eventful one -- with lots of learning, activities, and special events. If a family is looking to register their child for the fall, please complete the online…
Earlier this month, we were treated to a presentation by Indigenous dancers from the Blackfoot Confederacy. The assembly also included learning about the Treaty 6, Treaty 7, and Metis flags that have…
Throughout the year, students have had the opportunity to purchase a Subway lunch. We have used this as a fundraiser and the proceeds go towards a variety of student activities. Thanks to all of our students…
Our grade 1 students are so excited to start planting in our garden boxes! Stephanie from Doug Gardens Inc. donated product and her time to enrich the soil to prepare for planting — thanks so much for…
Registration for Fall 2023 Kindergarten students (must be 5 by Dec. 31) continues to occur through our online registration process. We are very excited to welcome our new crew this coming September. In…
We are so pleased to be able to offer the Roots of Empathy program to many of our grade 2 students. This newsletter outlines the amazing work that is being done by baby Charlie, her Mom, Shelby, and Joleen…
Our grade 5 students have been enjoying weekly curling sessions. A huge thank you goes out to Lonnie Halladay and the volunteer instructors from the Sundre Curling Club for arranging the lessons and…
We are excited to be hosting our annual science fair on Fri., Feb. 3, 2023. Students from Kindergarten to grade 8 are invited to put a project together to be judged that day. For more information please…
We are very excited to be sharing news about the Atlas of the Heart book study! Understanding emotions is the foundation of social-emotional well-being, and this is the bedrock of living a meaningful…
We are so excited to be able to do our annual week before Christmas carol sing once again from Dec. 19 - 23! Please see the picture for all of the details and the teachers will likely have additional…
Last week some of our grade 6 students helped out in Santa's Sundre workshop to pack food hampers for GNP's Sundre Santas program. Thanks for giving back to your community kids!
The grade 7 and 8 band students had a successful trip to Edmonton which included some very productive time with participating in clinics that allowed them to learn more about high-quality band performance.…
Plans and activities are well underway throughout the school to prepare for the holiday season!
The online book fair starts Friday, November 18th and runs until Fri., Nov. 25th. You can shop by using this link. Our in-person book fair runs during parent-teacher interviews for families from 4pm…
Our students have done a lot of learning around Remembrance Day and demonstrated their understanding through a variety of projects. On November 9th, we held our ceremony with students, staff, parents,…
Preparations are underway for a spooktacular day for all of our students on Mon., Oct. 31st! Please see the note to find out all of the details. If you have specific questions about what's happening in…
On Thursday, Sept. 22 our students will be joining Sundre High students to take part in the Terry Fox Run. Students will gather on the playground about 9:50 that morning to start the walk. Family members…
We are excited to have Jo(e)'s Social Media coming in to do presentations to Gr. 4-6 and Gr. 7-8 classes on Thursday, September 15th around the use of social media. That evening from 6:30 - 8:00 they…
Please see this document for a warm welcome and more information from our School Council. The first meeting of the year is scheduled for 4:00 on Tuesday, September 20th at RVS. Childcare is provided and…
Staff have been hard at work this week collaborating, planning, and preparing for the upcoming school year. Only a couple more sleeps until the big day!
Are you new to Sundre and looking to register your K-8 child? Our registration is completed online here. If you require assistance or have questions, please either call the school at 403-638-3939, email…
It was great to see many of our families join us to celebrate our students' achievements. Grade 8s were honored as they walked under the staff arch of rulers and then enjoyed seeing many moments from…
Preparations are underway for our Grade 8 Farewell and Middle School Awards Event scheduled for Tues., June 28, beginning at 8:45 a.m. This letter outlines all of the details. We hope you will be able…
We recently had garden boxes installed that our grade one students will be using for hands-on learning and to incorporate Indigenous content into their curriculum. A huge thanks goes out to Sundre Contracting…
Our grade 5-8 students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of track events this week. It was great to see so many participants and everyone supporting each other. Students from grade 7 and…
We are very excited to be hosting a middle school dance from 6:00 - 8:30 on Thursday, May 5! Expectations have been reviewed with students and parents of our grade 6, 7 & 8 students have been sent a letter…
Students have enjoyed writing, math, and art activities connected to the St. Patrick's Day theme over the past few days. A number of students even built traps to try to catch those pesky little leprechauns.…
Unfortunately, we won't be holding a science fair at RVS and there also won't be a regional fair in Olds, which has been the tradition. However, the Central Alberta Rotary Science Fair (CARSF) is being held…
In the midst of a long, cold, and dark winter, we celebrate Beach Day! Students are invited to dress in their beach attire and a variety of activities are planned for the students. One of the favourites…
A huge thank you to Whitecap Resources Inc. for their generous donation toward the purchase of new school jerseys. Guy Hetu and Darcy Moorhouse from Whitecap presented their cheque to some of our student…
We held our annual Spelling Bee in January. Each class from grade 4-8 selected two students to participate in the event. All of the participants did very well and the picture shows our top 3 spellers.…
Kindergarten registration for the 2022-2023 school year opens on January 10th. The online registration form can be found at https://www.cesd73.ca/parents/register-for-school. If you have questions or…
Our students have been busy over the past few days and weeks learning and creating all kinds of Christmas-themed projects -- from art to math to writing. We hope you enjoy these pictures of their fabulous…
Thanks to everyone who sent in donations in support of our Sundre Santas food drive!
We are pleased to be partnering with Greenwood Neighbourhood Place again this year to support our community's Santas Anonymous Program. Students are invited to bring in non-perishable food items for our…
To honor Remembrance Day, every student will receive a poppy on November 10th. A virtual ceremony will be viewed by all students that will include performances and guest speakers. The pictures are some…
We are excited to be able to have the Scholastic Book Fair at our school. Students will be able to make purchases in-person at the library, while parents will be able to shop online. This letter gives…
We are so appreciative of Sundre Dental Clinic's donation of Sonicare Kids Toothbrushes to our grade one students! These toothbrushes are a great way to encourage kids to not only brush, but brush for…
Picture days for all students are this week. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer sibling or community pictures at this time. Retakes are on October 14, 2021. An information card with the ordering code…
Kilometer club is back for another year! Our cross country running program runs from September 7th until October 1st. It happens during lunch recess which is 11:55 - 12:25 for grades 1-5 and 12:25 - 12:55…
We are excited to be working with the Town of Sundre to run our Welcome Back BBQ and Open House on Thursday, September 9th from 5:00 until 7:00. Our students' School Fair entries will also be up on display…